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Test your fitness and training effectiveness by signing up for events and swimming the best you can. Track your times and see how much you can improve!
Most events require membership in US Masters Swimming. To join, click HERE to either become a new member, or to renew your previous membership. When prompted to select your "club", choose "Arizona Masters" from the dropdown list. After selecting Arizona Masters, you'll see a "workout group" selection dropdown list. Click on this dropdown to select "SaddleBrooke Masters (AZSBM)", and then proceed to complete the registration process.
Once you have your USMS membership number, you can sign up to any USMS event by finding the event on the USMS events page, or by clicking the meet link from this website's "Meet and Club Events" page. If you are available for and willing to swim relays in addition to you individual events, be sure to check the "I am available for this relay" boxes as described below these sample screen shots.
Swim with your friends on relays. You choose which distances and strokes you're willing to swim and enjoy the camaraderie of being part of a team effort. Relays present good opportunities to earn national Top Ten rankings, score points for SaddleBrooke Masters, and have a ton of fun! Talk to your swim buddies to encourage each other to become relay teammates!
To sign up for relays, go to the meet entry web page using the link on the "Meet and Club Events" page. Choose whether you want relays only (no individual events) or individual registration (which includes the option to swim on relays.)
Whether you work as a timer, meet official, lap counter, computer operator, hospitality provider, or any other support role, you'll have a great time with a front-row seat to the swimming...all while supporting the Swim Club and your fellow swimmers.
It may seem like swimming in a "competition" sounds like a serious or intimidating thing to contemplate...but the truth is that it's simple, fun, and something ANYONE can do, regardless of experience, ability, or personal goals. Almost all Masters Swimming events welcome EVERYONE, and are staffed by people who are delighted to help you navigate the process. Your teammates and coaches are more than happy to answer questions, guide you through the process, and provide mentorship to ensure you enjoy every aspect of your swimming journey.
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Powered by abundant sunshine, thousands of yards in our beautiful pool, and friendship